Current: Doctoral Students (1)

Lab Alumni: Doctoral Students (23)

Kelsey Solomon
Ph.D. Ecology, 2021
Postdoctoral Fellow, Florida International University, Miami, FL.

Pedro J. Torres
Ph.D. Ecology, 2020
Assistant Professor, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA.

Jessica Chappell
Ph.D. Integrative Conservation, 2019
Research Consultant, San Antonio TX.

Maura Dudley
Ecology Ph.D. 2018
Lecturer, Oglethorpe University, Brookhaven, GA.

Jeremy Sullivan
Ph.D. Ecology, 2018
Instructor, Nelson Mandela International School, Berlin, Germany

Carissa Ganong
Ph.D. Ecology, 2015
Assistant Professor, Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph, MO.

Rebeca de Jesus-Crespo
Ph.D. Integrative Conservation, 2015
Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.

Troy Simon
Ph.D. Ecology, 2015
Scientific Liaison, University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources; GA Cooperative Fisheries and Wildlife Unit.

Tom Barnum
Ph.D. Ecology, 2014
Research Scientist, Environmental Protection Agency, Arlington VA.

Andrew Mehring
Ph.D. Ecology, 2012 (Pringle Co-advisor with George Vellidis)
Assistant Professor of Ecosystem Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.

Marcia Snyder
Ph.D. Ecology, 2012
Ecologist, Western Ecology Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR.

Gaston “Chip” Small
Ph.D. Ecology, 2010
Professor, University of St. Thomas, MN.

Scott Connelly
Ph.D. Ecology, 2009
Senior Lecturer, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

John Kominoski
Ph.D. Ecology, 2008
Associate Professor, Florida International University, Miami, FL.

Katherine Smith
Ph.D. Ecology, 2008
US Geological Survey, Director of the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center

Marcelo Ardon
Ph.D. Ecology, 2006
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

Jason Todd
Ph.D. Ecology, 2008 (Pringle Co-advisor with George Vellidis)
Researcher, US Environmental Protection Agency, Arlington, VA.

Effie Greathouse
Ph.D. Ecology, 2005
Executive Director, Digital Resources for Community and Science, Portland, OR.

Elizabeth Anderson
Ph.D. Ecology, 2004
Associate Professor, Florida International University, Miami, FL.

Kate Schofield
Ph.D. Ecology, 2001
Stream Ecologist, US Environmental Protection Agency National Center for Environmental Assessment, Arlington, VA.

Jonathan Benstead
Ph.D. Ecology, 2000
Professor, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.

James March
Ph.D. Ecology, 2000
Professor, Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, PA.

Alonso Ramirez
Ph.D. Ecology, 2000; M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1997
Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Lab Alumni: Masters (22)

Maxwell Kelly
M.S. Ecology, 2022
Watershed Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County & the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program, NY.

Theresa Hudson
M.S. Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2021
Research Technician VII, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Casey Harris
M.S. Ecology, 2014 (Pringle Co-advisor with George Vellidis)
Environmental Scientist III, St. John's River Water

John Frisch
M.S. Ecology, 2013
Research Scientist, General Dynamics Information Technology, Duluth, MN.

Andrew Binderup
M.S. Ecology, 2011
Medical Lab Scientist, Nebraska Methodist Health System, NE.

Richard Carey
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 2005 (Pringle Co-advisor with George Vellidis)
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Worcester, MA.

Susan Dye
M.S. Ecology, 2005
Aquatic Ecologist, Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA.

Kelly Crook
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 2005
Independent Education Consultant & AP Biology Mentor, TX.

Lindsay Stallcup
M.S. Ecology, 2004
Executive Director of Children's Eternal Rainforest, Monteverde, Costa Rica

Peter Esselman
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 2001
Research Fishery Biologist, US Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, MI.

Natalie Powell-Helmer
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 2001
Director, Technology Programs at Advarra Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Madison, WI.

Stephanie Hiers
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 2000 (Pringle Co-advisor with Steve Golladay)
Environmental Scientist with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Douglas Parsons
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 2000
Director of the America Adapts Media Initiative, Washington DC.

Pascal Rabeson
M.S. Ecology, 2000 (Pringle Co-advisor with Ron Carroll)
National Director, Centre ValBio, Ranomafana Fianarantsoa, Madagascar

Seth Wenger
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1999 (Pringle Co-advisor with Laurie Fowler)
Associate Professor, Director of Science, River Basin Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Scott Pohlman
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1998
Director of Conservation Incentives, North Carolina Heritage Program

Alonso Ramirez
Ph.D. Ecology, 2000; M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1997
Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

Brian Gregory
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1997 (Pringle Co-advisor with George Vellidis)
Program Manager, National Park Service, Southeast Coast Network

Tina Laidlaw
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1996 (Pringle Co-advisor with Carl Jordan)
Biological Criteria Program Director, Environmental Protection Agency, MT.

Joe DeVivo
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1996
Deputy Chief for Science, Inventory & Monitoring Division, National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO.

Katherine Baer
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1996
Vice President River Programs, The River Network, Carboro, NC.

Rodney Vargas
M.S. Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development, 1995
Director for Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East for the Study Abroad Office at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
Lab Alumni: Postdoctoral

Mike Marshall
Postdoctoral Associate, Fall 2006 – 2011

Piet Verburg
Postdoctoral Associate, Summer 2006 –2008

Rebecca Bixby
Postdoctoral Associate, Fall 2001 –2006

Toshihide Hamazaki
Postdoctoral Associate, 1995 -1997